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+ "αяsαℓ " Ќąƶµяɨ •" posted a discussion

+ "αяsαℓ " Ќąƶµяɨ •" posted a discussion

Pray for our friend

Hey Guys Kindly pray for one of our active members"SOFIA ARSALAN KHAN" for her better health. Next 24 hours are very critical for her. ThankSSee More

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LaaAL MircH... updated their profile

LaaAL MircH... updated their profile

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abc123 posted a discussion

abc123 posted a discussion

Excel or MOS expert please help

hello eveyone, I failed in MOS Excel because of one question please help anyone who appeared in MOS or use excel, the sample of question is in attached file? thanksSee More

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+ ! ! ! ! ! سٹرابری updated their profile

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Omama_K (BSCS 5th Semester) added a discussion to the group MTH401 Differential Equations

Omama_K (BSCS 5th Semester) added a discussion to the group MTH401 Differential Equations

MTH401 - Differential Equations - Quiz No' 1 - Due Date: 21 November 2018

Quiz#1, MTH401, Lecture (1-7)Dated:Nov 09, 18Quiz#1 MTH401(Lecture#1-7)16 November to 21 November An Important announcement.There is a Quiz#1 on the mentioned date. It includes MCQ''s from lecture#1 till Lecture#7.Instructions before Starting QuizPlease read the following instructions carefully before starting the QUIZ: • Quiz is based upon Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).• You have to attempt the quiz online. You can start attempting the quiz any time within given dates by clicking the link for Quizzes in VULMS.• The time to attempt the quiz is limited. Once you login to attempt the quiz, the countdown will start and you have to complete the quiz in given amount of time. So always keep an eye on the remaining time.• Attempting quiz is unidirectional i.e. once you move forward to the next question; you cannot go back to the previous one. Therefore, before moving to the next question, make sure that you have selected the best option.• It is advised that for rough work keep a paper and pencil with you.• If for any reason, you lose access to internet (like power failure or disconnection of internet), you will be able to attempt the quiz again from the position where you left in last attempt.• Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to attempt the quiz.• Remember that you have to complete the quiz before expiry of the deadline. If any student failed to attempt the quiz in given time then no re-take or offline quiz will be heldSee More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

اسال posted a discussion

اسال posted a discussion

مفکرِ پاکستان ڈاکٹر علامہ محمد اقبال رحمۃ اللہ علیہ ک

شاعر مشرق علامہ محمد اقبال 9 نومبر 1877 کو سیالکوٹ میں شیخ نور محمد کے گھر پیدا ہوئے، ماں باپ نے نام محمد اقبال رکھا۔انہوں نے ابتدائی تعلیم سیالکوٹ میں ہی حاصل کی اور مشن ہائی اسکول سے میٹرک اور مرے کالج سیالکوٹ سے ایف اے کا امتحان پاس کیا۔شعر و شاعری کا شوق بھی آپ کو یہیں پیدا ہوا اور اس شوق کو فروغ دینے میں آپ کے ابتدائی استاد مولوی میر حسن کا بڑا دخل تھا۔لاہور کے بازار حکیماں کے ایک مشاعرے میں انہی دنوں اقبال نے ایک غزل پڑھی جس کا ایک شعر یہ تھا۔اس شعر کا سننا تھا کہ محفل مشاعرہ میں موجود افراد پھڑک اٹھے اور مرزا ارشد گورگانی نے اسی وقت پیشگوئی کی کہ اقبال مستقبل کے عظیم شعراء میں سے ہوگا۔انہی دنوں انہوں نے غزل کے ساتھ ساتھ نظم پر بھی توجہ دی، ایک ادبی مجلس میں انہوں نے اپنی اولین نظم ”ہمالہ“ سنائی تو اسے بہت پسند کیا گیا اور ان کی شہرت پھیلنا شروع ہوگئی۔اس زمانے میں انہوں نے بچوں کے لئے بھی بہت سی نظمیں لکھی ہیں، اس کے ساتھ ساتھ مکالماتی بیان مثلا مکڑا اور مکھی، پہاڑ اور گلہری، گائے اور بکری کو بھی نہایت خوبصورت پیرائے میں تخیل کا جز بنا دیا۔ کبھی بچے کی دعا کہہ گئے، جو ہر اسکول کے بچے کی زبان پر ہے۔لاہور اورینٹل کالج میں 1893 سے لے کر 1897 تک سرایڈون آرنلڈ کے زیرسایہ تعلیم حاصل کرنے کے دوران اقبال نے پہلی مرتبہ جدید فکر کا مطالعہ کیا تھا۔ 1899 میں یہاں سے ایم ۔ اے فلسفہ کیا، ساتھ ہی عربی شاعری پڑھانا شروع کی اور معاشرتی و معاشی مسائل پر قلم اٹھایا۔یونیورسٹی آف کیمبرج سے لاء کرنے کے لئے اقبال نے 1905 میں ہندوستان چھوڑا لیکن یہ فلسفہ ہی تھا جس نے ان کی سوچ پر غلبہ کر لیا ۔ٹرینٹی کالج میں ہیگل اور کانٹ کا مطالعہ کرنے کے بعد وہ یورپی فلسفہ کے بنیادی رجحانات سے واقف ہوگئے۔ فلسفہ میں دلچسپی نے انہیں1907 میں ہائیڈ لبرگ اور میونح پہنچایا جہاں نطشے نے ان پر گہرے اثرات مرتب کئے، خود ان کے الفاظ میں:یہی وہ دور ہے جب ان کا زاویۂ نگاہ تبدیل ہوا اور ان کی شاعری میں پیغامیہ رنگ دیکھنے میں آتا ہے۔ مغربی تہذیب بیزاری کا اظہار واشگاف الفاظ میں کرتے ہیں۔مغربی معاشرے پر کچھ ایسے بھی روشنی ڈالی۔اقبال نے وہیں ایران میں روحانی ترقی کے موضوع پر ایک مقالہ لکھ کر فلسفہ میں ڈاکٹریٹ کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ ایک برس بعد 1908 میں انہیں انگلستان میں لنکن اِن کے مقام پر بار میں آنے کی دعوت دی گئی۔ اس برس وہ وکیل اور فلسفی بن کر ہندوستان واپس آئے، واپسی کے بعد جلد ہی وہ گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور میں فلسفہ پڑھانے لگے تاہم انہیں ہندوستانیوں کے احساسِ غلامی کا احساس بہت زیادہ تھا۔اس کے علاوہ انہوں نے برطانوی راج کے محکوم ہندوستانی مسلمانوں کی حالت زار کو عیاں کرنے میں گہری دلچسپی لی، یورپ روانگی سے قبل اقبال ایک آزاد خیال قوم پرست اور انڈین نیشنل کانگریس کے ہمدرد تھے تاہم 1911 میں تنسیخ تقسیم بنگال ہوگئی۔ پھر ان کا رجحان شاعری میں ہندوستان کے ساتھ مسلمانوں کی طرف بہت نمایاں نظر آتا ہے، جیسے ان کا یہ ترانہ ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔اب وہ اپنے نکتۂ نظر میں مسلمانوں کی علیحدگی پسندی اور آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کی حمایت کرنیوالے علیحدگی پسند بن گئے تھے، 1922 میں انہیں سر کے خطاب سے نوازا گیا تاہم اسی دور میں علامہ اقبال کا شکوہ مسلمانوں کے دل کی پکار ثابت ہوا۔شکوہ لکھنے پر انہیں شدید تنقید کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تو انہوں نے جواب شکوہ لکھ کر تمام نقادوں، معترضین کو لاجواب کر دیا کہ دل سے جو بات نکلتی ہے اثر رکھتی ہے۔چار سال بعد، 1926 میں اقبال پنجاب مجلس قانون ساز میں منتحب ہوئے اور آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ سے نزدیک تر ہو گئے۔ انہوں نے آزادی کے بعد ہندو حکومت کو تسلیم کرنے کی بجائے ایک علیحدہ مسلمان وطن کے لئے زیادہ سے زیادہ حمایت کا اظہار کیا، صرف قوم کو نیند سے اٹھانے پر ہی اکتفا نہیں کیا بلکہ ان کے لئے دعائیہ الفاظ کا سہارا بھی لیا۔در حقیقت شمال مغربی ہندوستان میں مسلم اکثریت والے علاقوں پر مشتمل ایک علیحدہ مسلمان وطن بنانے کا تصور سب سے پہلے اقبال نے ہی 1930 میں پیش کیا تھا۔ لیکن پھر بھی وہ سب سے پہلے ایک فکری قوت تھے اور مسلمان ثقافتی زندگی میں ان کا مقام اسی حوالے سے ہے کیونکہ وہ ملت اسلامیہ میں ایک نئی امید پیدا کرنا چاہتے تھے۔دینیات تصوف مشرقی و مغربی فلسفہ اور انسانیت کے مقدر کو سمجھنے اور اس کی وضاحت کرنے کے لئے فارسی اردو شاعری کے رمزیہ اور نازک انداز کو استعمال کرنے میں اقبال کو اپنے ہم عصر مسلمان فلسفیوں میں نمایاں مقام حاصل ہے۔ وسعت میں آر پار جانے میں یہ اقبال کی اہلیت ہے جو فلسفہ کو سماجی ثقافتی مسائل سے جدا کرتی ہے اور جس نے انہیں ایک فلسفی اور ثقافتی ہیرو بنایا۔پاکستان کی آزادی سے پہلے ہی 21 اپریل 1938 کو علامہ اقبال انتقال کر گئے تھے تاہم ایک عظیم شاعر اور مفکر کے طور پر قوم ہمیشہ ان کی احسان مند رہے گی۔شاعر مشرق علامہ اقبال حساس دل و دماغ کے مالک تھے آپ کی شاعری زندہ شاعری ہے جو ہمیشہ مسلمانوں کے لیے مشعل راہ بنی رہے گی، علامہ صاحب بہت بڑی بات انتہائی آسانی سے کہہ جاتے تھے۔یہی وجہ ہے کہ کلامِ اقبال دنیا کے ہر حصے میں پڑھا جاتا ہے اور مسلمانانِ عالم اسے بڑی عقیدت کے ساتھ زیرِ مطالعہ رکھتے اور ان کے فلسفے کو سمجھتے ہیں، علامہ اقبال انسانی خودی کے قائل تھے جب ہی وہ کئی جگہ کہتے ہیں۔خودی ہی وہ عنصر ہے جو انسانوں کو اسرار شہنشاہی سکھاتی ہے، علامہ اقبال کہتے ہیں۔اقبال نے نئی نسل میں انقلابی روح پھونکی اور اسلامی عظمت کو اجاگر کیا، ان کی کئی کتابوں کے انگریزی، جرمنی، فرانسیسی، چینی، جاپانی اور دوسری زبانوں میں ترجمے ہو چکے ہیں اور اس دور میں مسلم امہ میں موجود مایوسی کے باوجود وہ روشن مستقبل کی توقعات کا اظہار ان الفاظ میں کرتے تھے۔See More

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+ ! ❤INNOCENT❤ liked +! ! ! SaLAr SiKAndar's blog post Deen k thekaidar

+ ! ❤INNOCENT❤ liked +! ! ! SaLAr SiKAndar's blog post Deen k thekaidar

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SAP Ariba - Business Manager - Consulting | SAP Middle East & North Africa

The Role Work Area: Consulting and Professional Services Expected Travel: 0 - 50% Career Status: Professional Employment Type: Regular Full Time Company Description SAP started in 1972 as a team of five colleagues with a desire to do something new. Together, they changed enterprise software and reinvented how busines...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

SAP Ariba Business Processes Senior Consultant | SAP Middle East & North Africa

The Role Work Area: Consulting and Professional Services Expected Travel: 0 - 10% Career Status: Professional Employment Type: Regular Full Time Company Description SAP started in 1972 as a team of five colleagues with a desire to do something new. Together, they changed enterprise software and reinvented how busines...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

SAP Ariba Business Processes Principal Consultant | SAP Middle East & North Africa

The Role Work Area: Consulting and Professional Services Expected Travel: 0 - 100% Career Status: Management Employment Type: Regular Full Time Company Description SAP started in 1972 as a team of five colleagues with a desire to do something new. Together, they changed enterprise software and reinvented how business...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Digital Solutions Localization Program Manager | General Electric (GE)

The Role Role Summary: This role with Baker Hughes GE, Digital Solutions business shall be responsible for defining, executing, monitoring and delivering all localization related initiatives and commitments to our customers across Saudi (IKTVA ) Essential Responsibilities: - Assess all necessary Localization initiati...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Lead Commodity Management Specialist | General Electric (GE)

The Role Role Summary: The holder of this position will Lead & act as the key sourcing point of contact in Saudi for M&C Supplier Localization Initiatives. Will require both strategic and operational focus. He will lead development of Saudi Suppliers for M&C business & work in developing a local vendor base, both in ...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

+!Daim khan!+ updated their profile

+!Daim khan!+ updated their profile

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Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource

Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource

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Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource

Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource

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Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Ijaz Qureshi,(HRM) joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource

HRM619 Final Project-Human Resource.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

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+ ! ! ! ! МĂĤĂŔ βĂŚĨŤ ŚĨĂĹ ^ updated their profile

+ ! ! ! ! МĂĤĂŔ βĂŚĨŤ ŚĨĂĹ ^ updated their profile

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Muhammad Ferxan updated their profile

Muhammad Ferxan updated their profile

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Shimla-Mirch updated their profile

Shimla-Mirch updated their profile

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+ ! ! ! ! ! کالی مرچ updated their profile

+ ! ! ! ! ! کالی مرچ updated their profile

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+صوفیہ ارسلان خان+ updated their profile

+صوفیہ ارسلان خان+ updated their profile

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+ Cʜocoɭʌtƴ Ɓoƴ updated their profile

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+ ! "Masoom" + updated their profile

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muhammadsalmankhan posted a status

muhammadsalmankhan posted a status
"Assalam O Alaiku All students Agar koi students project banawana chahta hai koi help chahiay viva ki teryi karni ho tou contact me"

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Country Manager

  • Manage a branch office for Dubai based Automotive Group

  • Expand business based on feasibility for New/Used Cars, Leasing, Parts Re-Export

  • Manage branch team consisting of front/back office

  • Motivate / grow business based on potential / management skills

  • Perform other task as per business needs


Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Management
Company Industry: Automotive
Monthly Salary: US $15,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Accountant - Nathan & Nathan

Looking to hire Accountants Temporary for 1 month, please find below the qualifications needed.

1. Must possess strong basic accounting principles knowledge, problem-solving skills, reconciliation skills, documentation skills, research and resolution skills, and multi-tasking skills.
2. Must be able to follow standard operating procedures.
3. Can work independently and with a team in a fast-paced and high volume environment with emphasis on accuracy and timeliness.
4. Must have good verbal and written communication skills and ability to interact with employees and vendors in a professional manner.
5. Must be well organized and a self-starter.
6. Mystrata Experience Is A MUST.
7. UAE experience required.


Since its a temporary role for 1 month, request candidates on Sponsorship Visa only to apply.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Accounting and Auditing
Company Industry: Management
Monthly Salary: US $1,500

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Gender: Female

from Jobs in UAE |

Bawar Hussain, Daim khan, Mohammad Sufyan and 10 more joined Virtual University of Pakistan

Bawar Hussain, Daim khan, Mohammad Sufyan and 10 more joined Virtual University of Pakistan

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Sobia Malik and Asma Batool are now friends

Sobia Malik and Asma Batool are now friends

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

"ICA" participates in "WTM" in London

from Emirates Identity Authority

Administration Manager | A Leading Retail Company in the GCC

The Role The purpose of the role is to manage the organisation Head Office with specific focus on administration including front office management, in order to ensure that the business runs smoothly. The candidate will also be required to act as a point of contact to ensure that all the stores, branches are compliant...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

+(✿◠‿◠) REN (✿◠‿◠)+ replied to Arham Khan's discussion Data Entry Operator Required

+(✿◠‿◠) REN (✿◠‿◠)+ replied to Arham Khan's discussion Data Entry Operator Required

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Omama_K (BSCS 5th Semester) posted a discussion

Omama_K (BSCS 5th Semester) posted a discussion

Virtual University of Pakistan - Issuance of First Voucher to continuing students (Fall, 2018)

Published On:  Thursday, November 8, 2018Students are informed that the University has issued first voucher (semester enrolment fee + one course fee) for Fall, 2018 semester to continuing students, who have made course selection from October 26, 2018 to November 5, 2018. You are directed to deposit payable voucher as per given schedule.See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Personal Assistant (Available to join Immediately) - Drake & Scull International PJSC

Available to join Immediately / 15 days
\[ Should be on Husband's / Father's visa.
\[ Should have an experience assisting C level Executive
\[ Should have good command in English and MS Office (Excel & PowerPoint)
\[ Minimum 4 years of secretarial and administrative experience including business writing.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Secretarial
Company Industry: Construction

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

IT Sales support ( Al Ain ) - My Technology

Responsible for providing a professional level of technical, sales and marketing support in order to secure strong results. 
Generates and processes sales leads as necessary
Answers phone calls from customers and deals with problems as they arise.
Takes sales information and puts it into an easily readable format to discuss it with developers
Follows up with customers to make sure that they are satisfied with a particular product
Follows up with developer team to make sure that they are satisfied with a particular product
sales skills is necessary. 
Provides any necessary data or reports to the sales team
Exerts attention to detail, as customers may have the same problems; reports the problems as necessary
Arranges appointments with clients and sales team
Acknowledges customers by responding to emails, texts, and phone calls
Updates all contact information for clients
Deals with any customer complaints and resolves the issue as necessary

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Information Technology
Company Industry: Information Technology

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Nationality: United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Djibouti; Algeria; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Comoros; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Mauritania; Oman; Palestine; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Somalia; Syria; Tunisia; Yemen

from Jobs in UAE |

C&B and Payroll Specialist - Harmony Connections

As C&B and Payroll Specialist, this will be reporting directly to the HR & Office Director. You will be responsible for supporting all Compensation and Benefits subjects of the HR Business partners. Also, this will be responsible for ensuring the perfect management of the payroll and HR Administration processes for the 3 activities and the Corporate Functions in the ME region.

Main Responsibilities:

-Support the Retail and Office activities on all Compensation and Benefits matters:

  • Support the major C&B global processes

  • Manage the annual salary survey for Retail and Corporate

  • Coordinate and consolidate the annual salary review for all employees

  • Review and ensure the grading within the company are in line with the European and Global guidelines

  • Be responsible for the Medical and Life pension annual negotiation

  • Participate actively in all C&B projects and be the point of contact on these subjects for the European Region

- Management of HRIS:

  • Ensure the perfect run of the existing HR Systems (payroll, ESS, employee platform, etc.)

  • Handle project management by driving ongoing enhancements, identifying upcoming needs

  • Partner with IT department to assist in their support of integrations from HCM system to other internal systems

- Management of the HR Administration and KPIs:

  • Manage the administration hiring process and end of service

  • Prepare various company letters for employees and ensure the follow-up

  • Consolidate the HR KPIs dashboard and analyze all the KPIs

  • Follow-up the HR Department Budget

- Management of the payroll process for all activities (Office and Retail population) with the Finance Manager :

  • Oversee and manage the monthly payroll for the company

  • Prepare the monthly payroll, documentations, figures, and all elements impacting salary

  • Communicate with employees and managers for any queries.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Administration
Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale
Monthly Salary: US $5,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Master's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Supervisor / Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

\[ Participating in the management of finished goods warehouse and overseeing the receipt of goods, care taking of stored materials and their issuance.

\[Maintaining effective control over cross warehouse material transfers.

\[Ensuring the efficiency of distribution and logistics.


Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Logistics and Transportation
Company Industry: FMCG; Manufacturing and Production; Warehousing

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management
Gender: Male
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Facilities Manager - Lobo Management Services

<b>Facilities Manager</b>
<br />Our client, a Family Group Business in Dubai is looking to hire
<b> Facilities Manager. </b>To qualify for this role, candidates must have Facilities Manager/Project Manager experience for atleast 10 years and should have experience in working with residential properties in the construction industry.
<br />
<br />Manage all construction activities, contract administration and inspection services.
<br />Take full ownership of all site related activities including scheduling, co-ordination Execution, quality, safety and billing.
<br />Manage the assignment of manpower, materials, and equipment to maximize efficiency, maintain schedules, and to meet budget goals.
<br />Keep alert to possible problem area and take preventive action to ensure that critical milestones are met for each phase of the project.
<br />Ensure the use of sound construction practice to attain required quality control at the maximum efficiency and minimum cost.
<br />Prepare periodic reports summarizing progress of construction activities for higher level management.
<br />Ensure effective implementation of all Firm policies and procures, including labour relations policies.
<br />Serve as the primary contact with subcontractors, and government representatives for construction related activities.
<br />To successfully plan & manage all aspects of project including, timely and cost effective completion while providing a place of work that is safe and free of risk to health and safety and maintaining quality standards.
<br />To be responsible for the proper execution of the work and effective implementation of financial and commercial aspects of the project in order to meet or improve upon the forecasted costs, budgetary requirements, revenue and profit whilst maintaining positive cash-flow.
<br />To plan, identify and manage the deployment and utilization of appropriate resources (equipment, manpower, subcontractors, material, and methods) to execute the works and achieve or exceed programmed requirements.
<br />
<b>Here's a portrait of what our ideal candidate would look like -</b>
<br />10+ years experience as Facilities Manager/Project Manager in the construction industry.
<br />Native English speakers only.
<br />Great reporting skills.
<br />Bachelors degree in a related field.
<br />Living in Dubai (Preferred).
<br />
<br />
<br />

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Engineering
Company Industry: Construction/Civil Engineering

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management

from Jobs in UAE |

Release Manager - RP International

• 2-6 Years of experience on previous Release/Project Management (solid understanding of project management principles preferred).
• 8-10 years of experience in Information systems; operations environments in systems analysis or development.
• Formal training in Project Management Practices is preferred.
• Advance knowledge of SDLC (Software Development Lifecycles).
• Demonstrated effective Leadership and Analytical Skills.
• Demonstrated ability to coordinate cross functional work teams toward task completion.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Information Technology
Company Industry: Information Technology

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management

from Jobs in UAE |

Sales Engineer/Manager - Chinese Speaking - I-Talent

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Initiates and coordinates development of actions plans to penetrate new markets

  • Identify the market leads / potential projects
    Contacting Chinese main contractors and introducing the company to them

  • Registers the company with Chinese contractors

  • Travelling and Visiting clients and building business relationships with them

  • Obtaining enquiries from Chinese EPC contractors / main contractors

  • Handling technical and commercial aspects of product enquiry

  • Contact with customers for follow up.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Sales
Company Industry: Engineering; Oil/Gas; Construction

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |

Conformity Engineer - I-Talent

Conformity Engineer

6,000 AED


The Company

A leading international Testing, Inspection & Certification (TIC) Company. They have a global brand name and generate annual sales in excess of $1bn.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Engineering
Company Industry: Consulting Services; Engineering; Safety/Environment

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |


Open to ARABIC nationals
Female, 40 y/o and below
Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma holder in Arts or relevant field
Minimum 3 years of experience in graphic designing or similar creative capacity/role
Manage assigned projects to ensure design of required materials
Ensure all design projects are delivered on-time and to standard
Must be proficient in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Adobe CCS2, editing and photography
Excellent communication and interactive skills
Can join immediately (1-month max)
Work Location: Dubai, UAE


Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Design, Creative, and Arts
Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Gender: Female
Nationality: United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Djibouti; Algeria; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Comoros; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Mauritania; Oman; Palestine; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Somalia; Syria; Tunisia; Yemen
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Investment Researcher (Group Holding Co.) | Michael Page

The Role Seeking an ambitious and committed individual to oversee researching, collecting, and analysing financial and market information on multiple projects in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate will aid investment managers in making effective and profitable decisions while building a successful inv...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

KWL Campus left a comment for Naila

KWL Campus left a comment for Naila

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

In-House Lawyer/Legal Counsel | Gulf Connexions

The Role An exciting opportunity has arisen with one of our clients who are a major player within the FMCG industry for an experienced Lawyer to join their In-House legal team based in Jeddah. Reporting to the General Counsel the successful candidates’ responsibilities will include providing legal advice across a n...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Digital Transformation Lead – Business Development Director | General Electric (GE)

The Role Role Summary: You will play the role of trusted partner in a digital transformation of our clients, while working with all BHGE lines of business and propose value added solutions that will help our clients expand their business and prepare for future challenges. You will maintain curiosity to understand our...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Project Operation Manager | General Electric (GE)

The Role Role Summary: About Us: Baker Hughes, a GE company (NYSE:BHGE) is the world's first and only fullstream provider of integrated oilfield products, services and digital solutions. Drawing on a storied heritage of invention, BHGE harnesses the passion and experience of its people to enhance productivity across ...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Sales & Customer Care Supervisor - The office

• Identifies business opportunities by identifying prospects and evaluating their position in the industry; researching and analyzing sales options.
• Sells products by establishing contact and developing relationships with prospects; recommending solutions.
• Maintains relationships with clients by providing support, information, and guidance; researching and recommending new opportunities; recommending profit and service improvements.
• Identifies product improvements or new products by remaining current on industry trends, market activities, and competitors.
• Prepares reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information.
• Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.
• Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; bench marking state-of-the-art practices; participating in professional societies.
• Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
• Target achievement.
• Collection follow up.
• Quotations follow up.
• Establishing client’s database.
• Customers care.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Marketing and PR
Company Industry: Merchandising

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Bilingual Business Process Owner, Up to 20,000 AED per month, Dubai - Sapphire Recruitment Consultants

Our Dubai based Retail/E-Commerce client is looking for a Bilingual Business Process Owner (BPO) to oversee the objectives and performance of processes within the organisation. Our client is looking for someone who is organised, comes from a consultancy background, who has implemented an Omnichannel project in a previous position, is experienced with Six Sigma and project management with excellent communication skills. While a German speaker would be an added advantage, the successful candidate must be fluent in written and spoken English and Arabic.


• Work to ensure that business process outcomes are in harmony with the organisation’s strategic goals
• Work collaboratively across all departments of the organisation to help improve the management of a business process
• Be innovative, introduce new methods that can impact results, enhance profitability and assist with achieving business objectives and goals
• Monitors and reports process performance against KPIs
• Analyse performance data and set quality objectives
• Identify risks and opportunities with the current process
• Issue and maintain any procedures and instructions
• Implement processes consistent with the quality policy
• Investigate and propose process improvements

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Management
Company Industry: Internet/E-commerce

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Management

from Jobs in UAE |

Bookkeeper, AED 5-7000 per month, Dubai - Sapphire Recruitment Consultants

Our Dubai based tech company is looking for a young Bookkeeper (can be qualified or studying) with a sparkling personality, who is enthusiastic and self-motivated to join their team. This role requires someone with a relevant qualification or newly qualified candidates will be considered, our client will also consider candidates who are currently studying.


• Accounts Payable
• Accounts Receivable
• Bank Reconciliation
• Month End closing Journals, assisting with Invoicing, Management
• Accounts preparation, Cash Flow Forecasting
• Booking Supplier Invoices
• Assist with Billing
• Other day-to-day Accounting and Bookkeeping tasks

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Administration
Company Industry: Internet/E-commerce

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |

Junior Legal Counsel - Gulf Marketing Group

Core Responsibilities:
The role holder is also responsible for providing support in legal research and assisting with the drafting of contracts and other legal documents. The role holder will also take on the responsibilities of assisting with company secretarial duties.

• Reviews and drafts policies and regulations to ensure consistency with applicable law
• Performs other similar or related duties such as interpreting laws, keeping abreast of legislation
• Drafts, reviews and negotiates all service contractual arrangements, other smaller value contracts
• Documents, reviews and manages all board resolution and power of attorney documents
• Prepares legal document such as legal memoranda, letters, deeds, mortgages, leases, and contracts, etc. for meeting the legal document requirements of GMG
• Ensures contract compliance control for all contracts to the law of land and the regulators, if any and as per contract administration and management process established in GMG
• Studies constitution, statutes, decisions, regulations, and ordinances of quasi-judicial bodies to determine ramifications for legal issues related to the company
• Conducts computerized and non-computerized legal research and analyzes the probable outcomes of cases, using knowledge of legal precedents
• Keeps abreast with all regulatory and local law related updates/changes which might impact the legal terms and conditions for GMG contracts and highlights them within the department
• Acts in accordance with the instructions issued and complies with the instructions related to confidentiality of contracts and refrains from conflicting business interests
• Assists in company secretary responsibilities listed below, but not restricted to:

- Maintains books and registers of the company as required under the provisions of the applicable Law
- Drafts and maintains statutory books and other legal documentation
- Files copy of special resolutions on prescribed form within the specified time period
- Maintains the minutes of Board meetings and general meetings

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Legal
Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale
Monthly Salary: US $4,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Executive Administrator - TGC Consulting

This opportunity is with an Oil and Gas company, based in Dubai, UAE.

As an Executive Administrator, you will provide personalized secretarial and administrative support in a well-organized and timely manner, act as the point of contact between the executives and internal/external contacts. 

You will be responsible for formatting, editing, copying, and transmitting text, graphics, and data. You shall meet and greet management visitors along with appointing schedules, coordinate meeting, prepare the reports, and solve visitor's queries. 

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Administration
Company Industry: Oil/Gas

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Assistant Store Manager - Charlotte Tilbury - Abu Dhabi - M.H. Alshaya Co.

The Role:

You will work with the Store Manager to achieve objectives, ensuring the highest levels of customer service are provided by staff and that they have the skills and support required to maximise sales. You will work with a variety of different departments to maintain the effective operation of the store and will provide feedback to the store, brand and area managers around staff and products. You may also be required to deputise for the Store Manager during periods of leave.

You must have previous management or supervisory experience in retail and a passion for customer service.

Qualifications & Requirements:

You will have:

\[ At least 3 years' retail experience (ideally at a supervisory level)

\[ Excellent English language skills, both written and verbal (Arabic language skills are also an advantage)

\[ PC literacy.

About Alshaya:

As a leading international franchise operator, with nearly 90 of the world's most recognised brands in its portfolio, Alshaya Group brings great shopping, dining, leisure and hospitality experiences to millions of customers across the Middle East & North Africa, Russia, Turkey, Europe and beyond.
Alshaya Group is a dynamic multinational business and family owned enterprise with a consistent record of growth and innovation. For 35 years, Alshaya has been a pioneering force in brand franchising, using its exceptional knowledge and experience to expand at pace.
Our portfolio of well-loved international brands includes Starbucks, H&M, Mothercare, Debenhams, American Eagle Outfitters, P.F. Chang's, The Cheesecake Factory, The Body Shop, M.A.C, Victoria's Secret, Boots, Pottery Barn, KidZania and, coming soon, Hampton by Hilton.
From one retail franchise store opened in Kuwait in 1983, Alshaya Group has consistently grown and diversified and today offers customers an unparalleled choice of brands across multiple sectors; Fashion & Footwear, Health & Beauty, Food, Optics, Pharmacy, Home Furnishings, Leisure & Entertainment, and Hotels. A diverse, skilled team of 53,000 people from 120 nationalities support more than 4,000 stores, cafes, restaurants and leisure destinations, a growing online business and a commitment to delivering great customer experiences.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Management
Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |

Merchandiser - Charlotte Tilbury - UAE - M.H. Alshaya Co.


Working for a specific brand, merchandisers work as part of the team that ensure the right stock is in the right stores at the right time. With stores across MENA this provides ambitious individuals the opportunity to work across multiple countries. In addition to stock planning the team recommend pricing levels and decide on sale lines and discounts.

If you already have some experience in merchandising and stock planning then a move to Alshaya could open up many opportunities to grow your career further. Many of our Senior Merchandisers and Brand Managers started as Merchandisers and there is also plenty of opportunity to move brands and be exposed to different product lines and customer profiles.

If you have no experience in this area but possess excellent Excel, numerical and analytical skills then the role of Assistant Merchandiser would be the first step on a career path in this field.

About Alshaya:

As a leading international franchise operator, with nearly 90 of the world's most recognised brands in its portfolio, Alshaya Group brings great shopping, dining, leisure and hospitality experiences to millions of customers across the Middle East & North Africa, Russia, Turkey, Europe and beyond.
Alshaya Group is a dynamic multinational business and family owned enterprise with a consistent record of growth and innovation. For 35 years, Alshaya has been a pioneering force in brand franchising, using its exceptional knowledge and experience to expand at pace.
Our portfolio of well-loved international brands includes Starbucks, H&M, Mothercare, Debenhams, American Eagle Outfitters, P.F. Chang's, The Cheesecake Factory, The Body Shop, M.A.C, Victoria's Secret, Boots, Pottery Barn, KidZania and, coming soon, Hampton by Hilton.
From one retail franchise store opened in Kuwait in 1983, Alshaya Group has consistently grown and diversified and today offers customers an unparalleled choice of brands across multiple sectors; Fashion & Footwear, Health & Beauty, Food, Optics, Pharmacy, Home Furnishings, Leisure & Entertainment, and Hotels. A diverse, skilled team of 53,000 people from 120 nationalities support more than 4,000 stores, cafes, restaurants and leisure destinations, a growing online business and a commitment to delivering great customer experiences.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Marketing and PR
Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |

Bridges Coordinator - Cobiax Middle East

  • Conduct research’s and prepare reports about different suppliers/ manufacturers.

  • Prepare comparisons and understand the features and weaknesses of each company.

  • Responsible for the marketing and creating the awareness about the Aluminum Bridges to UAE market.

  • Visit Engineering Offices, Developers, Authorities, Contractors to introduce the Aluminum Bridges and make presentations.

  • Prepare pricing structure for the products

  • Responsible for the sales agreements

  • Responsible for Products Presentations, specifications files, manuals and any other materials.

  • Catalogues Creation & Editing

  • Coordinating with Cobiax Middle East partners in the Middle East countries and with the material suppliers.

  • Follow up projects with CME local partners.

  • Coordinating with the material suppliers/ Factories

  • Prepare drawing sets to be sent to the relative vendor to receive proposals and designs

  • Identify local suppliers for accessories

  • Follow up on proposals

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Civil Engineering
Company Industry: Engineering

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Gender: Female
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

FEMALE FILIPINO GENERAL PRACTITIONER up to 22K AED for a Leading Hospital in Abu Dhabi

Open to FILIPINO nationals only
Female, below 40 years old
At least a bachelor’s degree holder in Medicine
With DHA/HAAD/DOH license/eligibility letter
Minimum 2 years of clinical experience as GP in UAE or from home country
Provides skilled health assessment, diagnosis and treatment services to patients
Orders diagnostic tests as needed, checking and informing patients of results in a timely manner
Ability to work within a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Excellent listening and communication skills for dealing with patients
Knowledge of the principles and practice of medicine as related to private health organizations
Can join immediately (1-month max)
Work Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
Company Industry: Medical/Hospital

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Gender: Female
Nationality: Philippines

from Jobs in UAE |

FILIPINO HAAD LASER TECHNICIAN up to 8K AED for a Leading Hospital in Abu Dhabi

Minimum 2 years of experience in the similar role
Worked at in a wellness center/medical center/ hospital
Must have HAAD license/eligibility letter as Laser Technician or Registered Nurse
Certification in laser treatment/hair removal technology is an advantage
In-depth knowledge in execution of laser hair reduction and laser skin treatments as per SOP
Can ensure the effectivity of the treatment and improve execution of sessions


Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
Company Industry: Healthcare, other

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career

from Jobs in UAE |

In Stock Manager (4 -6 Months Project – Extendable) - MRI Worldwide UAE


Professional experience in operations, inventory planning, demand forecasting, and/or product life cycles.
· Must have a proven track record in taking ownership, driving results and moving with speed to implement ideas in a fast-paced online environment.
· Highly analytical, flexible, action and results oriented, self-starting, and be comfortable with computer databases and tools.
· An effective communicator working with the organizations most important partners and vendors, as well as with internal colleagues and teams.
· Ability to operate clearly in an ambiguous environment; strong ability to influence.
· Possesses strong analytical and numerical skills with strong experience of Excel, including Macros, V-Lookup and Pivot Tables.
· University degree required, ideally in a technical or analytical discipline.
· Experience working with IT professionals, and process improvement training like Kaizen or Six Sigma will be a plus.


Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Purchasing and Procurement
Company Industry: Internet/E-commerce
Monthly Salary: US $4,000

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Bachelor's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

Associate to Consultant - Transfer Pricing - Saudi National | Ernst & Young

The Role Are you committed, thorough and outgoing - and do you have a good understanding of business and experience of international tax? If so, please read on. The opportunity This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced Tax professional to join a growing team in an emerging market. As an International Tax Se...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Registered Nurse - Female Surgery (Ortho) | Professional Connections (Profco)

The Role Registered Nurse - Female Surgery (Ortho) - Jeddah, For female applicant Category Nursing and Midwifery Speciality Orthopaedics Location Jeddah Hospital To apply for this post you should hold a European, North American, Australian or New Zealand Passport. Professional Connections is contracted by our client ...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Registered Nurse - Paediatrics Surgical | Professional Connections (Profco)

The Role Registered Nurse - Paediatrics Surgical - Jeddah, for female applicant Category Nursing and Midwifery Speciality Paediatric - General Location Jeddah Hospital To apply for this post you should hold a European, North American, Australian or New Zealand Passport. Professional Connections is contracted by our c...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Registered Nurse - Outpatient Clinic | Professional Connections (Profco)

The Role Category Nursing and Midwifery Speciality Surgery Location Riyadh Hospital We are hiring for the #1 ranked hospital in The Middle East. Our client Hospital is a 985 bedded Magnet Accredited Tertiary referral Hospital. They are currently opening a further 300 beds on a phased basis. Contact us today for an in...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Credit Analyst - Graduate Saudi National | Gulf Connexions

The Role Gulf Connexions has been mandated by one of the leading banking institutions in Saudi Arabia to source for a Graduate Credit Analyst to become a part of their team based in Riyadh. No previous professional experience is required however our client has placed a large emphasis on finding a motivated, switched ...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Harley updated their profile

Harley updated their profile

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

CS302 Digital Logic Design

CS302 Digital Logic Design.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Aima Zaviyaar commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group BIO202 Biochemistry-I

Aima Zaviyaar commented on + M.TariK MaliC's group BIO202 Biochemistry-I

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

BIO202 Biochemistry-I

BIO202 Biochemistry-I.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

BIO302 Molecular Biology

BIO302 Molecular Biology.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

CS610 Computer Network

CS610 Computer Network.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Project Manager, PMP Certified (Arabic Speaking) | Alrabiah Consulting Engineers (ARE)

The Role - Nationality: Any Arab National. - Experience: Minimum 15 Years. - Note: Candidates must have transferable Iqama. Requirements Minimum Qualifications - PMP Certified. - He should have experience of working in an industrial or any large infrastructure projects including site supervision, sit...

from Jobs in Saudi Arabia

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

CS604 Operating Systems

CS604 Operating Systems.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

sadaf joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

CS411 Visual Programming

CS411 Visual Programming.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Muhammmad Ihsan Bari joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Muhammmad Ihsan Bari joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

CSC221 Computer Organization and Assembly Language

CSC221 Computer Organization and Assembly Language.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

Aima Zaviyaar joined + M.TariK MaliC's group

BIO201 Basic Cell Biology

BIO201 Basic Cell Biology.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Muhammad hamza updated their profile

Muhammad hamza updated their profile

from Latest Activity on Virtual University of Pakistan

Economist/Senior Economist -Economic & Technical Department - Arab Monetary Fund

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) is a regional organization based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, which aims at laying the groundwork for Arab economic integration and accelerating the process of economic and social development in the Arab countries.


The AMF is seeking well-qualified and experienced "Economist/Senior Economist" to join its Economic and Technical Department.

The AMF is seeking well-qualified and experienced "Economist/Senior Economist" to join its Economic and Technical Department.


Duties and Responsibilities:


• Conducting research and preparing reports related to Economic and Financial topics.

• Preparing and presenting lectures related to Economic and Financial sectors.

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Teaching and Academics
Company Industry: Finance/Economics

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Nationality: United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Djibouti; Algeria; Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Comoros; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Mauritania; Oman; Palestine; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Somalia; Syria; Tunisia; Yemen
Degree: Master's degree

from Jobs in UAE |

EUROPEAN RESTAURANT MANAGER up to 14.5K AED for a Causal Dining Restaurant in Dubai

Open to EUROPEAN candidates
Male/Female, below 40 years old
Bachelor’s degree or any related courses is an advantage
Hands-on manager with experience in handling customer complaints and customer satisfaction
With excellent communication skills
Must be presentable and well-groomed
Willing to join immediately (max 1 month)

Work location: Dubai, UAE

Salary up to 14,500 AED all in package depending on qualifications and experience

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Hospitality and Tourism
Company Industry: Catering/Food Services/Restaurants

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Nationality: Albania; Austria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Belgium; Bulgaria; Belarus; Switzerland; Czech Republic; Germany; Denmark; Estonia; Spain; Finland; France; Great Britain (UK); Greece; Croatia (Hrvatska); Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Latvia; Moldova; Montenegro; Macedonia; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Russian Federation; Sweden; Slovenia; Slovak Republic; Ukraine; United Kingdom

from Jobs in UAE |

FEMALE INDIAN DERMATOLOGIST SPECIALIST (HAAD) up to 50K AED for a Leading Hospital in Abu Dhabi

Open to INDIAN nationals
Female, 45 years old and below
With Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
Minimum 2 years of clinical experience in Dermatology
Experience in cosmetology and aesthetic dermatology is a must
With HAAD License or eligibility letter
With personal qualities such as compassion, resourcefulness, stamina, motivation and perseverance
Able to work within a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Excellent listening and communication skills and expert in dealing with patients
Candidates who can join immediately will be prioritized (with cancelled / visit visa) or maximum 1-month
Work Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE

Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-11-08
Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
Company Industry: Employment Placement Agencies/Recruiting

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Gender: Female
Nationality: India

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