Waseem Aziz added a discussion to the group MGT510 Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510)

Waseem Aziz added a discussion to the group MGT510 Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510)


SEMESTER Spring 2021TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (MGT510)ASSIGNMENTDUE DATE: 02nd August, 2021MARKS: 10TOPIC: “organizational model”The case:The Sweet and Sound Cafe is a family-owned restaurant that was established about 8 years ago in2013. The restaurant is very profitable because of its excellent food quality and extra care tocustomers, who feel they are getting their money’s worth. The restaurant uses only fresh meats andingredients from the best suppliers to cater to the needs of their customers. Management of therestaurant gives special consideration to its customers, members, and suppliers as part of organizationalprocesses. They believe that organizations are not autonomous entities; they are dependent on othersocial units, which cannot always be controlled or foreseen.The Sweet and Sound Cafe is oriented towards one specific purpose “what is best for the long-termsurvival of the organization and its members”. In the restaurant, profit serves as means—not an end;profit is important because it helps to ensure the growth and survival of the system. Management of therestaurant acts as the brain of the system and it gathers information using a communication network,and it issues directives to activate and deactivate parts of the system. Management monitorsperformance of the system and provides feedback where corrective action is needed.Required questions:Question 1.Being a student of TQM, you are required to identify the organizational model of The Sweet andSound Cafe and discuss the goal, nature of environment and structural rationality of the restaurant.(1 + 6 marks)Question 2.You are required to suggest two merits and one demerit of the organizational model that the restaurantis practicing. (2 + 1 marks)See More

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