Waseem Aziz added a discussion to the group MGT501 Human Resource Management

Waseem Aziz added a discussion to the group MGT501 Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (MGT501) Assignment 01 Marks: 10 (3+3+4) Due Date: August 2, 2021

Human Resource Management (MGT501)Assignment 01Marks: 10 (3+3+4) Due Date: August 2, 2021Weightage: 7Important Note: Before attempting the assignment, make sure that you have listened to the relevantvideo lecture, read handouts and thoroughly understood the relevant concepts. Read all the casesand relevant questions carefully.Case 1:                                       Error/Problem              Justification.             In a small business, no formalappraisal system is placed. Anemployee who completed all theassigned tasks made a majormistake just before the annualappraisal. Consequently, hissupervisor rated him negativelyand he could not get anyfinancial benefit. The employeeworked hard during the year andwas demotivated after theperformance appraisal.Identify the error and explain. Case 2:                                          Error/Problem                      Justification. In a project team, there are atotal of 10 members includingthe team lead. Three of them arevery enthusiastic, hardworkingand ready to take initiative whileother members are somehowreluctant in accepting individualresponsibility. One of the teammembers did not work properlythroughout the project duration.The project was completedsuccessfully within budgetedtime and constraints. In the end,while assessing the individuals,the team lead used the graphicalrating scale and rated all members at an averagelevel. Identify the performanceappraisal issue and justify. Case 3:                                        Objectives               How these features can help in                                                                                         meeting the identified objectives?The performance appraisalsystem of XYZ has the followingsalient features. Performance strengths &weaknesses are discussed semi‐annually during an appraisalmeeting. Reasons for good/poorperformance are discussed andrelevant guidance is provided atthis stage. The record of thisappraisal meeting is well‐maintained for annual appraisal.Which of the performanceappraisal objectives can be metwith the help of abovementioned features? How thesefeatures can help in meeting theidentified objectives? Explainlogically.  See More

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