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Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

CS601 Assignment No 03 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion Due Date:31 July, 2020

Question No. 1 Following table contains the chunks of bits sent and received from a source to a destination. You are required to carefully analyze and identify the type of  bit error against each transmission: Sr. No.Chunk of bits sentChunk of bits receivedType of Error11010101010111010 21110101110001011 30101001101010111 41001000110111011 50001111000010010                        Question No. 2 Carefully analyze and calculate the Hamming distance associated with each Pair of Words as given in the following table:  Sr. No.Pair of WordsHamming Distance1d ((10000, 00100) 2d (10101, 11100) 3d (011010, 11011) 4d ((00000, 00000) 5d (110111,01111)   Question No. 3 The table given below contains some data-words, by applying the technique of odd Parity Check, you are required to create code-words against each datawords: Sr. NoDatawordsCodewords11011010 20010000 31100110 40100011 51110100   Best of Luck!See More

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Mani Siddiqui BS VIII posted a status

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"بچھڑ کر مجھ سے تجھے جینا اچھا لگتا ھے جا خوش رہ مجھے بھی تیرا خوش رہنا اچھا لگتا ھے☺"

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"یہ محبت تو بہت بعد کا قصہ ہے جناب میں نے اس ہاتھ کو پکڑا تھا پریشانی میں۔۔!!"

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CS302 Digital Logic Design

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Assignments Solution

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CS304 Object Oriented Programming

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CS301 Data Structures

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CS601 Data Communication

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CS502 Fundamentals of Algorithms

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Shanzay added a discussion to the group CS506 Web Design and Development

Shanzay added a discussion to the group CS506 Web Design and Development

CS506 - Web Design and Development Assignment # 3 Due Date07/08/2020

Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment: Uploading Instructions:Use NetBeans IDE for this assignment development.After finalizing, compress all files with Zip or RAR format.Rename it to your own Student Id(g. bs000000000.rar).And submit at VU-LMS within due date. Rules for Marking:It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: Provided Student ID is wrong.Any other software/IDE (except NetBeans IDE) is used for assignment development.Assignment is not submitted in .zip/.rar format.Assignment is submitted after due date or via email.Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.Assignment is fully or partially copied from other student or ditto copy from handouts or Internet; strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case.Submitted code is unable to compile/execute in NetBeans IDE;during evaluation, submitted code will be checked on NetBeans IDE. If unable to execute then ZERO marks will be awarded and no excuses will be accepted in this regard.  Note:Do not put any query on MDB regarding this assignment, if you have any query then email at Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 23- 30 GOOD LUCK Problem Statement:You are required to deploya simple web application using Apache Tomcat Server, named MyATM, which should simulate behavior of a typical ATM (Automated Teller Machine). In which a user, after entering card details,can deposit amount, withdraw cash, and check current balance. The program should be based on a user-friendlyweb interface; need to use Java Servlet technology for this purpose. Further, all information must be savedin a backend database using MS Access. Detailed Description:The program should facilitate multiplecustomers (each contains unique card no). For this purpose, you need to develop an html page (index.html) which should contain aninput form, as shown in figure 1. Fig.1: Input Form (index.html)The customer should be able to view ATM services byusing card no and pincode.Therefore,write a Java Servlet named as that will receive submitted information from input form (i.e. index.html) and verify input values; whether entered values are correct or not. If authentication is invalid, then print back amessage "Invalid Card No or wrong Pin Code". If customercredentials (i.e. card no and pin code) are correct, jump to ATM Services Page(i.e. which should list down the following services(shown in figure 2).Fig.2: ATM Services ( AmountCash WithdrawCheck Balance  Deposit Amount: Each time, user selects this option, s/he will be prompted to enter money for deposit (using DepositServlet.jata) that must be in multiple of Rs. 500/-(hint is given below) and up to a maximum of Rs. 25000/- per transaction. If inputs are correct,then the amount must be added in current balance and as well as in database. However, in case of wrong input, appropriate message should be displayed. Fig. 3: Deposit Amount ( Cash: User can withdraw any cash but in multiple of Rs. 500/- (hint is given below) and up to a maximum of Rs. 25000/- per transaction by using this option; should serve here. However, if balance is zero or withdraw amount is greater than the current balance, then appropriate message should be displayed. Otherwise, amount must be deducted from current balance and database should be maintained as well. Fig. 4: Cash Withdraw ( Check Balance: The program should fascinate the user by displaying the current balance via Java Servlet named Fig. 5: Check Balance ( Note: At the end of each successful transaction, the user must be asked to proceed with another transaction or not; if yes then start from displaying ATM services again and if not then show web developer information (student id, name and email address) via an HTML page (info.html),as shown infigure 6.  Fig. 6: Developer Info (info.html)Required Stuff:You do not need to submit complete NetBeans IDE projects. Rather, just submit the following files in compressed (.zip or .rar) format.Html Pages:index.htmlinfo.htmlJava Servlets:LoginServlet.javaServiesServlet.javaDepositServlet.javaWithdrawServlet.javaBalanceServlet.javaJava contain transactionsrelated code) contain database related code)Database file:BSxxxxxxxx.accdb (must be same as your own VU student id)       Fig. 7: Folder "assets" under web directorySample Data:IdUsernameCard NoPin CodeBalance1Ahmad2020-1001104130002Ali2020-1002122603Sana2020-1003259270004Amna2020-10046372120005Umar2020-1005924125000 Tab. 1: Sample Users Data Tab. 2: Users Table in MS Access Database fileHint:if (amount % 500 == 0) {     // it is a multiple of 500.} Video Tutorials:                                           To download and install of Tomcat Server, please watch; create a web application project in NetBeans IDE, please watch; add ucanaccess driver in a NetBeans project, please watch; Important Things to Implement:You have to provide separate html pages, servlets andJava classes as guided above. Merging of two or more will result in deduction of marks.You need to put database file in assets folder under NetBeans IDE project web directory along with html pages, as shown in figure 7.For storing/fetchingdata to/from database, you will need to use proper SQL queries.You can use same DebitCard and DbHelper Java classes as provided in assignment # 1 & 2 and can make changes as required.Java classes must have proper Data Members and Member Functions along with Constructors, Standard Setters and Getters etc.Need to make sure that exceptions are managed properly throughout the program; especially NullPointerException, ClassNotFoundException, NumberFormatExceptionandSQLException etc.All images, tables, and sample data given in this document are just for reference purpose only; you need to provide your own implementations. It is not required to be the same.  Good LuckSee More

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CS506 Web Design and Development

CS506 Web Design and Development.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….See More

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CS201 Introduction to Programming

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Estimating Section Manager | Propel Consult

The Role Client: Is one of the top 5 international engineering consultancy. The Estimating Section Manager will be part of the core team and be responsible for the following; - Responsible for managing the cost estimating/department function. - Manages and typically directly supervises estimators and is responsible f...

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