Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

CS601 Assignment No 03 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion Due Date:31 July, 2020

Question No. 1 Following table contains the chunks of bits sent and received from a source to a destination. You are required to carefully analyze and identify the type of  bit error against each transmission: Sr. No.Chunk of bits sentChunk of bits receivedType of Error11010101010111010 21110101110001011 30101001101010111 41001000110111011 50001111000010010                        Question No. 2 Carefully analyze and calculate the Hamming distance associated with each Pair of Words as given in the following table:  Sr. No.Pair of WordsHamming Distance1d ((10000, 00100) 2d (10101, 11100) 3d (011010, 11011) 4d ((00000, 00000) 5d (110111,01111)   Question No. 3 The table given below contains some data-words, by applying the technique of odd Parity Check, you are required to create code-words against each datawords: Sr. NoDatawordsCodewords11011010 20010000 31100110 40100011 51110100   Best of Luck!See More

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