Zain Arshad added a discussion to the group CS304 Object Oriented Programming

Zain Arshad added a discussion to the group CS304 Object Oriented Programming

CS304 GDB Solution discussion Due date 12-Aug-2021

Dear Students,Graded Discussion Board (GDB) will be launched on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 and it will close on Thursday, August 12, 2021.GDB Scenario:Suppose a company “ABC” is conducting a test to hire you as OOP Developer and asked you develop a calculator for the basic Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %), where you have to deal at least 11 digit numbers. The numbers can be of with decimal point or without decimal point. The company wants you to develop an efficient code. You can choose any of the following options to develop this whole scenario:Function OverloadingClass TemplateYou have to answer, which option will you choose and arguments in favour of your chosen option regarding code efficiency, code complexity and other factors.Instructions:1. You need to provide precise and to the point answer, avoid irrelevant details.2. Material that is copied from the internet or another student will get zero marks.3. You cannot participate in the discussion after the due date via email.4. The GDB will open and close on specified date and time. Please note that NO grace day or extra time will be given for posting comments on GDB.Best of Luck!See More

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