Zoha n added a discussion to the group ENG301 Business Communication

Zoha n added a discussion to the group ENG301 Business Communication

Today's Paper of Eng301..

Objective:1. Writing of unsolicited sales letter's demands _______ writing skills.2. While giving an interview, be ____ in your salary expactations.3. Informal reports are usually _______ with natural, casual use of language.4. Each paragraph should have _______ sentance.5. Market reports help peolpe guess the _______ movements of price.6. 'Was captain college xi and participated in many University Fixtures' the statement is an example of:7. The ability to pay called _______ and it is evidenced by income or potencial income.8. A fair and tactful letter gets better results than a sarcastic or _______.9. How should you practice your oral presentation.10. Feedback come in the form of _______ communication only.11. During the attending stage of listening, it is important to _______.12. Causal comparative studies are also called _________ resaerch.13. What should be avoided while drafting a letter?Subjective:Q1. Which of the following is correct to given statement; it contains material to the report but not included in the text because they are too lengthy or bulky?               (2)a. Appendixb. BibliographyQ2. What does minutes of an Informal Meeting include?      (2)                                  Q3. Inlist two personal style of Negotiation.     (2)                                       Q4. Mark as true/false.       (3)a. The opening of an applicatin letter should capture attention and state the job you are applying for.b. The AIDA is approach for job seekers in every culture.c. Like resume, your application letter is also a form of advertising?            Q5. What should the right attitude for successful collection of credits?  (3)      Q6. Define 'conclusion' in thesis writing.      (3)                                             Q7. Mark as true/false                                (5)a. Effective presentation focuses on audience's need.b. Organice longer speech and presentations like formal reports.               Q8. What should be the style and format of a good resume?      (5)                     Q9. Which of the following techniques are used by business person in 'sales letters' to motivate the readers to action?                        (5)a. Free trial of the productb. No obligations to buyc. Free purchase of the product4. Special price for limited time5. Free products for family members Allah Bless you All... AmeenSee More

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