princeahsanali posted a discussion

princeahsanali posted a discussion

Organization Theory & Design (MGT504) Fall 2020 Assignment 02 Due Date: February 09, 2021 Marks: 10

A financial service provider organization, Sigma (Pvt.) Ltd, have a typical culture tidy environment with its elegant decorum and wall-to-wall carpeting. The organization has close sitting environment with extensive formal communication and coordination. Every employee has to report to their line manager and does not interfere with other. The bureaucratic values a dominant. Every idea has to be scrutinized and approved by the top management. The organization traditionally helped clients finance their business with the parent company. However, the CEO has worked with other employees to redefine the division as a creator of services rather than just a service provider; that is, rather than just financing sales and leasing of current products, this organization now creates new services for customers to buy. For instance, Purchase Power division is a revolving credit line that helps companies finance their postage costs. It was profitable within nine months and now has more than 50,000 clients. The domain of purchase power division looks like an indoor theme park, artificial gas lamps, and an ornate pendulum wall clock. It also has a Parisian café, where employees sit together to watch training videos or surf the Internet. In this pandemic situation the organization has to redefine its job. CEO says, as we’re intend to be creator of financial services, our main objective is the quality of our ideas.” Question: How CEO can develop a distinctive subculture of purchase power division in this pandemic situation?See More

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