Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

Usman Mughal added a discussion to the group CS601 Data Communication

Assignment No. 02 Semester: Fall 2020 Solution Due Date: 15/12/2020

Question No. 1                                                                                                                                                                      Diagram given below is representing the Differential Manchester encoding scheme. You are required to carefully analyze the diagram and then write the binary pattern represented by the diagram: Hint: First bit is 0 and its voltage level is negative to positive. Give your answer in the following table:            Question No. 2 Suppose a telecommunication company’s booster is emitting a signal of 0.45W, which is being passed through 10 devices. It has been observed that 7 of these devices are encountering noise of 3 microwatts whereas other 3 devices are encountering noise of 2 microwatts. Considering this information, you are required to calculate overall Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and SNRdB by writing all necessary formulas and calculation steps.     See More

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