+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group EDU201 Learning Theories

+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group EDU201 Learning Theories

EDU201 Learning Theories Assignment 01 Fall 2020 Solution / Discussion

EDU201 Learning Theories Assignment 01 Fall 2020 Solution / Discussionedu201 assignment 1 solution fall 2020Q No 1: What is the importance of “Learning Theories” for a teacher? Write down any five points.Q No.2:What is the difference between “classical conditioning and operant conditioning”?Q No 3: In your opinion, what are the weaknesses in the Theory of Cognitive Development presented by Piaget? Write down any two weaknesses.Q No 4: Write down any two activities that a teacher can use in the classroom at the concrete operational stge of the development of a child?See More

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