+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group CS508 Modern Programming Languages

+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group CS508 Modern Programming Languages

CS508 Assignment 01 Fall 2020 Solution / Discussion

CS508 Assignment 01 Fall 2020 Solution / DiscussionProblem Statement:Problem Statement:The following code snippet contains some conditional (nested if else based) statements. Which are difficult to understand as they do not contain any starting or ending keywords against each statement. You, being a programing language expert, are required to put "then" and "end if/else" at appropriate places to get the desired result.Code Snippet:At start, x contains 100 (i.e. x = 100)        if (x > 50)          x = x * 5          if (x > 500)          x = x - 350          if (x > 350)          x = x - 150          else          x = x + 150          else          x = x - 100          if (x > 500)          x = x - 150          if (x < 500)           x = x + 150          if (x == 500)           x = x + 200          else          x = x + 100          if (x > 650)          x = x - 100          else if (x < 650)          x = x + 100          else          x = x * 5          else          x = x + 50At end, x contains 3250.Note: This is a language-free code, which does not require any specific programming language to compile or execute. You are simply required to guess the flow of execution on the basis of value of x and put "then" and "end if/else" at appropriate places (see the hint given below). Furthermore, you can also add extra lines or spaces in your solution as well.Hint: Difficult to Understand Easily Understandable    if (a > b)b = 5elsea = 5 if (a > b) thenb = 5end ifelse thena = 5end else  See More

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