CS610 GDB No. 1 Spring 2020 Due date 19-08-2020
Graded Discussion BoardGraded Discussion Board (GDB) of CS610 will be launched on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 and close on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 it will remain open for two days. You can post your comments on the below mentioned topic till Wednesday, August 19, 2020.GDB TopicICMP handles error and control messages and are very useful especially when an error occurs in WAN. ICMP messages are encapsulated and sent within IP datagrams while specific hosts and routers use ICMP to send reports of problems about the datagrams. There are several different types of ICMP messages depending on what the ICMP message is reporting. However, malicious users have found a way to turn a good network into an attack through which attacker attempts to disrupt a target machine causing the target machine to become inaccessible to normal traffic.(A) In your opinion which type of attack from the following can become the cause of inaccessibility of the target machine? Justify your answer with sold reason in maximum five lines.1: Ping of Flood2: Ping of Death(B) ICMP can also be used to test different tools. In your opinion, which are the 2 most common tools that use ICMP for basic management and troubleshooting on a network?Instructions:Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting the GDB:A concise, coherent and to the point comment is preferred over lengthy comment having irrelevant details. Your comment must not be more than 4-5 lines.Comments posted on MDB or sent through email will NOT be considered in any case.You must post your answer on the Graded Discussion Board (GDB).For any queries, please email at cs610@vu.edu.pkSee More
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