Mirha Malik added a discussion to the group CS606 Compiler Construction

Mirha Malik added a discussion to the group CS606 Compiler Construction

Assignment No. 3 Semester: Spring 2020 CS606 – Compiler Construction

InstructionsPlease read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: o        Assignment is submitted after due date.o        Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.o        Assignment is copied (From internet/ to from students). Software (s) Used to develop Assignment-          MS Word-          MS Paint Assignment Submission InstructionsMicrosoft Word file is required to submit on LMS. AssignmentMarks 20Question: S ® A S | y S | eA ® B | C w | v BB ®  x CC ® z The symbols S, A, B and C are non-terminals with S as the start symbol while v, w, x, y, z are terminal symbols. Use the context-free grammar given above to answer the following questions.   a)      Give the FOLLOW and FIRST sets for each non-terminal symbol in above grammarb)     Construct the parsing table for a non-recursive predictive parser for above grammar.    Deadline:Your assignment must be uploaded on or before the due date. We shall not accept your solution through email after the due date. kindly share solutionSee More

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