Habiba added a discussion to the group MGT602 Entrepreneurship

Habiba added a discussion to the group MGT602 Entrepreneurship

MGT602 Assignment No. 1 Spring 2020 Due Date 27-07-2020

Prepared By: Jawad HassanEntrepreneurship (MGT602)Spring 2020Assignment No.01Due Date: July 27, 2020Total Marks: 8Topic: StartupsLeaning objectives:To make students familiarize with the different types of start-ups.Learning Outcome:Students will learn antecedents and characteristics of different types of start-ups.Background:Entrepreneur literature segregates business startups into three main types: a Lifestyle Firm, Foundation Company and a Gazelle/High Potential Firm. Each of these types has its own antecedents and outcomes. The selection of a startup and its categorization is based on the attribution of resources and their potential implication.Case:Zubair is a young energetic resource working as an IT support executive in a call center. Prior to that he has been part of a sales team in a multinational firm but lost his job credited to uncertain business conditions amid COVID19 pandemic. He has earned a hybrid degree of MBIT (Master in Business and Information Technology). Interestingly, in the period of lay off (6 weeks) from his previous job he has completed an online course on “Entrepreneurial Ventures”. He has been able to learn the concepts of innovation, startups and E-commerce etc. during this course.At the moment he considers himself stuck (seeking no further growth as an IT resource) in the current job and wants to do something innovative and dynamic. The entrepreneurial drive which he has got during all this tenure has become a reason for him to opt a startup but the current environment i.e. COVID-19 lockdown scenario is very hostile to the whole business community. In spite of having all the odds: COVID-19 economic crunch, no prior business experience and necessary funds, Zubair has decided to start an online selling business.Requirements:As a student of entrepreneurship you need to answer the following questions.Q-1: What is the type of startup you will tag to Mr. Zubair’s online Business?Q-2: What are the logics to select the startup type in the first question? (3 points)Marks: 2 (Startup type) + 2*3 (Three logic comments)IMPORTANT:24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploadingdifficulties. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioneddue dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenienceOTHER IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS:DEADLINE:• Make sure to upload the solution file before the due date on VULMS.• Any submission made via email after the due date will not be accepted.FORMATTING GUIDELINES:• Use the font style “Times New Roman” or “Arial” and font size “12”.• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word format.• You may also compose your assignment in Open Office format.• Use black and blue font colors only.RULES FOR MARKING:Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0), if:• It is submitted after the due date.• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt.• It is in any format other than MS-Word or Open Office;cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc.NOTE RELATED TO LOAD SHEDDING: PLEASE BE PROACTIVEDear students,As you know that Post Mid-Term semester activities have been started and load sheddingproblem is also prevailing in our country. Keeping in view the fact, you all are advised to postyour activities as early as possible without waiting for the due date. For your convenience;activity schedule has already been uploaded on VULMS for the current semester, therefore noexcuse will be entertained after due date of assignments, quizzes or GDBs.See More

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