vu student posted a discussion

vu student posted a discussion


Topic/Area for Discussion “Restriction Enzymes”Discussion Question:How are Restriction Enzymes playing an important role in Biotechnology? Support your answer with five well-versed statements.Important Instructions:1.   Your discussion must be based on logical facts.2.   Your comments on the topic should not exceed 100-200 words.3.   The GDB will remain open for 2 working days/ 48 hours.4.   Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students.  Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.5.   Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.6.   Questions / queries related to the content of the GDB, which may be posted by the students on MDB or via e-mail, will not be replied till the due date of GDB is over.Ø  For Detailed Instructions please see the GDB AnnouncementSee More

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