Mani Siddiqui BS VIII added a discussion to the group MTH603 Numerical Analysis

Mani Siddiqui BS VIII added a discussion to the group MTH603 Numerical Analysis

Grand Quiz will start on July 7, 2020 (12:00 AM) and will end on July 7, 2020 (11:59 PM).

Grand QuizDated:Jun 18, 20Dear Student, Due to the Covid-19 situation there will be no midterm exam and will be a Grand Quiz instead. The grand quiz has been schedule on July 7, 2020 for 24-hours that is Grand Quiz of MTH603 will start on July 7, 2020 (12:00 AM) and will end on July 7, 2020 (11:59 PM). The syllabus for the Grand Quiz will be from lecture#1 to lecture #22. Please read the instructions carefully;1) Quiz will be comprised of  thirty Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) . 2) You have to attempt the quiz online. You can start your attempt anytime within given duration of 24 hours by clicking the link of Quiz on VULMS.3) The time to attempt the Quiz is limited. Once you login to attempt the quiz, the countdown will start and you have to complete the quiz in given amount of time. So always keep an eye on the remaining time.Make sure you have pencil, paper and a scientific calculator for rough work and calculation while attempting the quiz.4) Attempting quiz is unidirectional. Once you move forward to the next question, you cannot go back to the previous one. Therefore, before moving to the next question, make sure that you have selected the best option. Also you may need to scroll down the question part to read the complete question and sometime for the choices as well.5) Make sure you have speedy and uninterrupted internet connection while attempting the quiz. If for any reason, you lose access to internet (like power failure or disconnection of internet), you will be able to attempt the quiz again from the position where you left in last attempt.But remember that you have to complete the quiz before expiry of the deadline.6) If any student fails to attempt the quiz in the given time then no re-take or offline quiz will be held.7)It is recommended to use Google-chrome.See More

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