Naila added a discussion to the group ISL201 Islamic Studies

Naila added a discussion to the group ISL201 Islamic Studies

ISL201 GDB 1 Open Date January 27,2020 and Closing Date 28,2020

OBJECTIVE:The objective of this GDB is to enhance your knowledge about teachings of Islam.QUESTION:According to a Hadith transmitted by Abu Zar Ghiffari (R.A), 124, 000 prophets were sent for different nations of the world in different times. Belief on Prophets is from basic believes of Islam. The chain of prophets ended with the prophet hood of Muhammad (ﷺ). Various rights of Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) are mentioned in Quran and Hadiths which are obligatory on the followers.In this GDB you have to describe only eight rights of Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in the light of Quran and Hadiths. (No detail is required).(Maximum answer limit is 100 words; more than it would not be considered,Follow it strictly)LEARNING OUTCOMES:After this GDB you will be able to know the rights of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  ________________________________Important Instructions/ solution guidelines/ special instructionsDeadline:Make sure to upload your comments before the due date on GDB.Any submission made via email after the due date will not be accepted.Formatting guidelines:Use the font style “Times New Roman” or “Arial” and font size “12”.Use black and blue font colors only.Answer should not be more than 100 words.See More

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