yasir mehmood posted a discussion

yasir mehmood posted a discussion


Assignment No. 01 SEMESTER Fall 2019CS502- Fundamentals of Algorithms Total Marks: 20 Due Date: 13/11/2019InstructionsPlease read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit  if:·         The assignment is submitted after due date.·         The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.·         The assignment is full or partially copied from (other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).·         Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.·         The assignment is not submitted in .doc or .docx format.Uploading instructionsYour submission must include: ·         Assignment should be in .doc or .docx format.·         Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx180200786.doc).Assignment submission through email is NOT acceptableObjectiveThe objective of this assignment is·         To give basic knowledge and understanding of Algorithms.·         To be able to design simple algorithms.·         To be able to understand and calculate the complexity of algorithms.  Note:Your answer must follow the below given specifications.·          Font style: “Times New Roman”·          Font color: “Black”·          Font size: “12”·          Bold for heading only.·          Font in Italic is not allowed at all.·          No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.·         Your answer should be precise and to the point, avoid irrelevant detail. Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 01 - 06DeadlineYour assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 13/11/2019.   Assignment Statement: In mathematics Prime is a number which can be only divisible by 1 and itself. Examples of prime numbers are, 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 ,  11 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 , 29 , 31 etc. When these numbers get large, then it is very difficult to manually identify them as to be prime or not prime. For example the numbers like, 443 and 44371 cannot easily identify as Prime.There may be many algorithms which can be written for the identification of a number to be prime or not prime. Question No  01:   (Marks:  10)You are required to design (write) a simple algorithm (Only Pseudo code) which can identify a number to be Prime or Not Prime. Question No  02:   (Marks:  10)You are required to calculate (Step by Step) the worst case time complexity T(n) of the algorithm designed in Question No. 01. =====================================Ended======================================= For any query about the assignment, contact at CS502@vu.edu.pk GOOD LUCK   See More

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