muniba saleem added a discussion to the group STA630 Research Methods

muniba saleem added a discussion to the group STA630 Research Methods

sta 630 Assignment no 1 fall 2019

RESEARCH METHODS (STA630) ASSIGNMENT Due Date: May 22nd, 2019 Total Marks: 10 Learning Objective: To familiarize the students with the classification of research and the practical ways to develop hypotheses  Learning Outcomes: After attempting this assignment students will be able to:  Identify the purpose (exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory) of doing research  Learn how to formulate hypotheses. Premise: Crescent Textile Mills (CTM) have transformed their HRM functions from manual workflow to computerized workflow and for that purpose they have developed a Human Resource Information System (HRIS). The basic purpose behind this technological up gradation was to simplify and optimize human resources management in CTM. Despite proper need analysis, pre deployment training to users, still HR manger has observed that newly installed HRIS is not being used by middle manages as was originally expected. HR manager believed that this behavior is unusual and needs to be examined. HR manager contacted the internal research consultant who share his team’s observation after two weeks of research. Their research findings establish that majority of the middle level managers still know very little about the input, maintenance and output functions of HRIS software. Some of them were experienced old employees who were not comfortable with the technological change due to computer anxiety and job security, hence they were resisting this change. They had very little idea about what information HRIS could provide, and how to assess and interpret information from it. Another important finding of the research team was that HRIS software has a completely new interface, large number of functions and specially configured workflows, it may demand users to exhibit some level of expertise in understanding the technology solution. Therefore, the managers are recommended to reduce the change resistance so that CTM may compete in this digital era. Requirements: Based on the above information you are advised to: 1. Recall the topic “classification of research”, and identify what is the purpose (exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory) of doing this research? You need to provide at least two justifications for the selection of research type. [3=1+2 Marks] 2. If the research team will be required to develop the research model based upon the above scenario, what ‘term’ will be used for this type of diagram? Explain that term. [3=1+2 Marks] 3. Develop at least two hypotheses from the above scenario. [4=2+2 Marks]See More

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