MUHAMMAD SAFDAR added a discussion to the group CS403 Database Management Systems

MUHAMMAD SAFDAR added a discussion to the group CS403 Database Management Systems


Question Statement The XYZ Company aims to develop a project management software which enables its users to manage and track projects, deadlines, schedules, and other workflow processes. It allow users to collaborate with one another. The software would available in multi-language i.e. English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese and Russian. The primary goal of the software is to help streamline workflow and allow companies to focus on core tasks. The managers of the system can create tasks along with discussion threads and assigned to specific users. Users can post messages and record task progress through Discussion Threads. Managers can also able to edit tasks and set deadlines. A complete progress can be viewed for the specific task. You’re required to perform the following tasks according to above scenario. · Draw the context level diagram. · Identify Entities, their attributes, relationships among entities in above scenario and draw Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for it. Note: You are required to submit Context level diagram and ERD as your solution only.See More

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