+ M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group ZOO504 Wildlife

+ M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group ZOO504 Wildlife

ZOO504 Wildlife Assignment No 01 Spring 2019 Solution & Discussion Due Date: 16-05-2019

ZOO504 Wildlife Assignment No 01 Spring 2019 Solution & Discussion Due Date: 16-05-2019Zoo504–WildlifeAssignment No. 1                       Marks: 10Spring 2019Due Date: 16-05-2019InstructionsYou are suggested to read the recommended review paper and make a brief summary (One Page) in your own words.                                                                                        Read the entire article thoroughly and highlight or underline the major points.Write down any significant facts or interesting details in your own words.Do not simply "rephrase" exact statements by swapping a few words around. Instead, completely rewrite the information.Summarize the main point of each section in a single sentence.Then combine the main points of each section to prepare a nice summary of the article.Cheating/copying from any source will result in “F” grade in the course.The title of the summary should be in bold Times New Roman with font size 14.The text of the summary should be in Time New Roman with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.No assignment will be accepted after the due date.If you have any question please contact: Z00504@vu.edu.pkArticle:“Biodiversity in Pakistan: Key issues” Paper is easily accessible on this link.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mirza_Baig15/publication/23993...The paper is available in downloads section of the course website at LMS as well.Note:Students should read this article and prepare one page summary in MS word file and upload on your LMS well before deadline 16-05-2019.Outcomes:This assignment will help you to develop a research papers reading habit and enable you to comprehend and analyze the scientific texts.See More

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