Bilal Chaudhary added a discussion to the group CS510 Software Requirements and Specifications

Bilal Chaudhary added a discussion to the group CS510 Software Requirements and Specifications

CS510 - Software Requirements and Specifications - Assignment No 1 - Due Date - Dec 03, 2018

 Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting your assignment. You should use Microsoft Word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VULMS. It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if; §  The assignment is submitted after due date.§   §  The assignment is not in the required format (.doc or docx)§   §  The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.§   §  The assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source ( like websites, forums, other students, etc.)  Learning Outcome:After developing this assignment, the student will be able to;Differentiate between good requirements and bad requirements. Identify design and implementation constraint requirements for the given scenario.  Note:It is a graded assignment. Assignment  Question No. 1                                                                                                                                           5 MarksOnline Mobile and Laptop accessories system enables customer to buy mobiles and accessories from anywhere through web. This system allows the user to access all the products available. A software house is currently working on a project of developing Online Mobile and Laptop accessories system for a customer in Pakistan. The development is currently in initial phase and the project manager is gathering requirements from the client. Such systems are usually large and require six months to complete. The client has provided a set of requirements for this project. The list of requirements given by client is as follows; 1.                  The fully working system after testing should be deployed in one month.2.                  The system must be feasible.3.                  No authentication is needed to access the system.4.                  Products must have information regarding the mobiles such as its name, model, color, price information, and its features etc.5.                  There should be Payment information that will include information like the model purchased, quantity, mode of payment etc.You are required to identify good and bad requirements from above mentioned list. Good requirementsBad requirements       Question No. 2                                                                                                                                           5 MarksA leading software house of Pakistan is currently working on developing Online Virtual Laboratory for Practical Courses of a public-sector university.  The main objective of Online Virtual Lab system is to provide online laboratory environment where an e-learner can perform practical work. By using this application, lab experiments can be taught more efficiently and less expensively. The development is currently in initial phase and the project manager is gathering requirements. The client has provided a set of requirements for this project. The list of requirements given by client is as follows. 1.      The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by the Online Laboratory System.2.      The System must be secure.3.      The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into the Online Library System.4.      The Online Library System is connected to the university computer and is running all 24 hours a day.5.      The system must be very reliable due to the importance of data and the damages incorrect or incomplete data can do.6.      The system shall be developed using the Microsoft Dot Net platform.7.      The users can access the Online Laboratory System from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet connection.You are required to identify Design and implementation constraint requirements from above mentioned list.                                                                             See More

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