manoabbas posted a discussion

manoabbas posted a discussion

BNk611 GDB solution

in islam , consumption of any intoxication ( khamr specifically,  alcoholic beverages)  is generally forbidden  in the quran through several separate verses revealed at different time over a period of years. Hazrat muhmmad  (S.W.A) indicate that khamr may be made from two plants the grapevine and the date quran ayat 16:67and from the fruit of the plam trees and grapes vine you take intoxication and good provission .indeed in that is a sign for a people who reason. there are some muslim jurists who take the concept of khamr literally and forbidd grapes_bassesd or date _bassed ) alcoholic  beverages , allow those made with other fruits, grain , are honey this however  a minority oppion. the main psychoactive ingredients in alcoholic beverages is ethonal generally referred to, as alcohol is substance  that make you drunk , in certain carb_rich food such as grapes used to make wine or grains used to make beer .so win and khamr is forbidden in islam and buying and saling also. they reduce self consciousness and shyness,  alcohol may encourage people to act without inhibition.  at the some time , it impairs judgment and promotes behavior people may end up regretting.See More

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