az1987 added a discussion to the group MGT603 Strategic Management

az1987 added a discussion to the group MGT603 Strategic Management

ASSIGNMENT for Strategic Management

SEMESTER FALL 2018Strategic Management (MGT603)Assignment # 01TOPIC: Narrow Mission statement & Broader Mission Statement (Lesson 05)MARKS: 10Due Date: 22 NOV 2018Learning Objective: Students will be able to learn about the narrow and broader missionstatement.Learning Outcome: Students will be able to come up with their reviews that can differentiate anarrow mission statement to a broader mission statement of a company.The Case:Mr. Shah has recently launched his new clothing brand in Pakistani market “WearTo Win”. As this brand is at an initial process so it is still undecided by the highermanagement either to make a broader mission statement or a narrow missionstatement that is actually a necessary part of any opening brand or a business. Mr.Shah has called a meeting of the board of directors to have a suggestion about themission statement of “Wear To Win”. Finally, they all have come up with thefollowing mission statement:“We strives to make our clothing brand “Wear To Win”, the Pakistan’s largestselling brand that deals in all kinds of clothing like sweaters, jackets, tees, polos,denims, lowers & much more through the most innovative methods (online &offline) in comparison with all of the national and multinational brands inPakistan by conducting our business operations in a way that will provide profitand growth to further ensure the success of “Wear To Win”.”Requirements:You are required to identify whether it’s a broader mission statement or a narrowmission statement with any four logical reasoning? (6 + 4)See More

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