Angry Bird - MCS added a discussion to the group CS610 Computer Network

Angry Bird - MCS added a discussion to the group CS610 Computer Network

CS610 - Assignment No. 1 - Fall 2018

Assignment Question – 1 Suppose as a network administrator, you want to check the connectivity of following websites using Ping command: amazon.comflipkart.comBy default ping command uses 32 bytes packet size but you are required to change the packet size with last 3 digit of your VUID then take the screen shot of the responses from both websites and paste it as your solution in word file.  Question – 2 Suppose you are asked to tell the information about IP and MAC address of your computer then which command you will use to get the information. You are required to use the command in command prompt and take the screen shot of the output and paste it as your solution.  NOTE: All required information must be of your own computer, every computer has its own specific IP and Mac address, so don’t try to copy paste from other student. Screen shot having same information will be considered as copy case and marked as zero. See More

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