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Muhammad Azam joined +M.Tariq Malik's group

Muhammad Azam joined +M.Tariq Malik's group

MTH601 Operations Research

MTH601 Operations Research.Download/upload Video Lectures, Handouts, Helping Materials, Assignments Solution, Online Quizzes, GDB, Past Papers, Solved Papers and more….

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imran replied to + ! ! ! ! ! ! !pคຖ໓คค ! !'s discussion happiest birthday maani bhaiiii

imran replied to + ! ! ! ! ! ! !pคຖ໓คค ! !'s discussion happiest birthday maani bhaiiii

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+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group FIN623 Taxation Management

+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group FIN623 Taxation Management

FIN623 Taxation Management Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion

FIN623 Taxation Management Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & DiscussionSee More

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nadiaakram liked +M.Tariq Malik's group CS202 Fundamentals of Front End Development

nadiaakram liked +M.Tariq Malik's group CS202 Fundamentals of Front End Development

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+M.Tariq Malik liked Waseem Aziz's discussion (MGMT615) GDB Soulation Requried 11-06-20

+M.Tariq Malik liked Waseem Aziz's discussion (MGMT615) GDB Soulation Requried 11-06-20

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+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group EDU302 Human Development and Learning

+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group EDU302 Human Development and Learning

EDU302 Human Development and Learning Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion

EDU302 Human Development and Learning Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & DiscussionHuman Development and Learning(EDU302) Assignment 1 (Spring 2020) Total Marks: 20 Lecture: 1-3Question 1 (4+6=10 Marks) Differentiate between growth and development. Describe three factors that affect human development.Question 2 (6+4= 10 Marks) What are the 8 intelligences of Gardner? How do multiple intelligences influence teaching and learning?Answer: Howard Gardner emphasized that there are Multiple Intelligences and people possess mix of intelligences. In 1983, Gardner introduced 8 intelligences. Let’s learn about 8 intelligences of Gardner1) Verbal Linguistic: People with high verbal linguistic intelligence are capable of learning by using language.  Linguistic people learn through Lectures, Discussions, Word games, Storytelling, Journal writing etc.  People of Linguistic intelligence are good at reading and writing  Poems, storytelling and essay writing  They keenly learn new vocabulary  They are capable of learning new language2) Logical Mathematical: with this type of intelligence people are capable of learning by using logic and rational thinking.  A person of Mathematical Intelligence has ability to use reasons and analysis in solving problems.  People of Mathematical Intelligence learn through Brain teasers, Problem solving, Science experiments, Number games, mental calculation, Critical thinking, etc.  Ability to Identification of numbers and patterns to develop answer to a question.  Ability to Organization of numbers and patterns to develop answer to a question.  Ability to learn addition, subtraction, and other math concepts.3) Spatial-Visual: Visual Intelligence is about how good & quick are people in learning through seeing and imagining.  People of Spatial Visual Intelligence are good at performing tasks that involve hand and eye coordination.  People of Spatial Visual Intelligence keenly learn through visual presentation, art activities, imagination games, mind-mapping, metaphor, visualization, etc.4) Bodily-Kinesthetic: People with Kinesthetic Intelligence are good at learning through movement and touch.  They learn by doing or Hand-on-learning  People with Kinesthetic Intelligence learn through Drama, Sports, Tactile Activities, Dance, Relaxation Exercises, etc.  A person of Kinesthetic Intelligence is capable of skillfully moving and controlling his body.  Dancers, Actors, Solders & Sports athletes are the examples of Kinesthetic Intelligent people5) Musical: People of Musical Intelligence learn through rhythm and music.  Musical Intelligence also involves the theoretical side of music, such as composition.  People of Musical Intelligence are capable to interpret sounds, rhythms and tones and pitches.  People of Musical Intelligence are capable of recognizing musical notes or patterns.  They can play an instrument.6) Interpersonal: Interpersonal people are good in learning social contact.  People of Interpersonal intelligence are also called social butterflies.  Interpersonal people learn through activities like cooperative learning, peer tutoring, community involvement, social gatherings, simulations, etc.  They are proficient in making positive relationships with peers, using effective communication skills and comforting a friend when they’re feeling down.7) Intrapersonal: Intrapersonal Intelligence is about learning through reflection, on one’s own.  A person of Intrapersonal Intelligence learns through: individualized instruction, independent study, options in course of study, self-esteem building, etc.  They are capable of social-emotional skill of self-awareness, or developing an understanding of themselves and how others perceive them.  They are proficient in creating a reflection journal and nurturing a strong sense of introspection.8) Naturalistic intelligence: Naturalistic intelligence is about a person’s understanding sensitivity to and appreciation for the natural world. Hunters and fisherman and botanists are the examples of Naturalistic intelligent people.See More

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+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group MGMT617 Production Planning and Inventory Control

+M.Tariq Malik added a discussion to the group MGMT617 Production Planning and Inventory Control

MGMT617 Production Planning and Inventory Control Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion Due Date: 10-06-2020

MGMT617 Production Planning and Inventory Control Assignment No 01 Spring 2020 Solution & Discussion Due Date: 10-06-2020(MGMT617) Assignment 1 Soulaton requriedDue Date 10-06-20Attachments: Spring 2020_MGMT617_1.pdf, 151 KB See More

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+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Behtreen intaqaam...............

+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Behtreen intaqaam...............

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+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Sab bolo Ameen:-P

+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Sab bolo Ameen:-P

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+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Cry on my shoulder........

+!!! Pepsi Girl !!! replied to +!!! Pepsi Girl !!!'s discussion Cry on my shoulder........

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Mani Siddiqui BS VIII liked Maham Raza.'s discussion VIP Kon.......???

Mani Siddiqui BS VIII liked Maham Raza.'s discussion VIP Kon.......???

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